“Creativity is born out of despair as day surfaces from the night’s darkness.
Whoever survives a crisis, prevails without being overcome;
whoever uses a crisis to pardon his own defeat,
not only violates his own creative potential,
but gives more worth to problems than to solutions.
It is in the most difficult times that ones strength truly reveals itself.
Knowledge is limited, but imagination embraces the world.”
This choreography was created for 5 dancers, a pianist and a soprano in 2013.
Crisis and Creativity; is it a strange combination? Not at all! How does an idea come to life in the unexplored world of creativity? In a deep crisis, a writer is desperately looking for inspiration and succumbs to the so-called “Writer’s Block”.
While sleeping he is overwhelmed by a brainstorming process and is inevitably swept up by the chaotic and seemingly senseless vortex of the creativity. It is in the most unexpected and darkest times that often unknown combinations of neurological connections ignite long awaited sparks.
So does the authors light finally go on: “Eureka!” (I’ve found it), also called “Aha! Effect”. A tribute to all those who work with their creativity. The only real crisis would therefore probably be the death of ideas.
Martina Angioloni
R.Sakamoto, G.Donizetti, L.Bernstein
Albert Einstein
Jona Mues
Martina Angioloni
Martina Angioloni, Christiaan Snyman
Rory Stead
Asuka Inoue, Nathaniel Yelton, Irina Golovatskaia, Arek Glebocky
Hana Lee, Michèlle Silvestrini
Olga Bojkova